Friday, October 18, 2019

Esaay 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Esaay 1 - Essay Example One of the justifications for this was parens patriae, meaning that the state has the right to intervene in the affairs of the child when they feel that the child is endangered or not being taken care of properly. One of the main guiding points is the environment in which the child has grown up in. Social learning theory and living with parents that do not nurture the child can lead to an increase in deviant behavior. Therefore, the child has not been taught how to act properly in society. This would then fall under parens patriae, in which the state would intervene and focus on the rehabilitation, not on punishment like the adult contemporaries. In addition keeping the children with positive role models through foster care can also help with their deviant behavior by taking them out of areas they associated with their bad life style, such as what they did in New York and Baltimore. One of the most important themes posed by Platt is the question of bringing juvenile crime into the sc ope of criminal law and the effect of nature vs nurture. This is a completely applicable question in today’s judicial system. Some children are born with a conduct disorder which can lead to more severe deviant disorders during development.

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